become a HART Artist

Join the Hart Initiative as one of our Hartisans! We promote you and your services. 

We invite you to participate as a member of the Hartisan-Tribe family. You have been chosen for your support of the community and your passion for your art. 

You will also be first to know about specialty shows, events, private fundraisers, podcasts and our YouTube Series that will be spotlighting Hart and our members. We will ask you to be featured alongside your artwork as a perk of your participation. You will be asked to submit items for on-air auctions and fundraisers related to Hart. We hope you will consider participation, but you are not obligated to do so. We will be inviting all artists and shop-owners to play their part in our efforts to fundraise on behalf of our mission. Our job is to raise awareness and funding to support our creative programs that will support your community. 

As a member of the Hartisan Tribe we value you as an artist and advocate of the arts on behalf of Hart. We are committed to promoting you and your artwork along with your services as private teacher or instructor for creative programs offered by Hart. 

It’s a win-win! Hart promotes you as you help provide content for Hart Initiative programs, and together we serve the community through the healing power of art.  

We also request that you help share our content on your social media platforms as well as your website.  

We will also invite you to participate in our podcast series, YouTube series and Facebook live series as we roll these out and feature local and worldwide artists and their artwork. We will also give you the opportunity to volunteer for our events or donate artwork for charitable purposes in exchange for marketing and public relations exposure through Hart. 

We will be spotlighting Hartisans and their work throughout the year. This is part of the
service delivery promised in the mission and objective of the Hart Initiative to serve the community. 

Please complete the short questionnaire below so we may promote you, the artist, along with your works. We will be doing a short spotlight on you and your works on social media while we maintain a long-term presence on the Hart website with your permission.  Your application is subject to review for acceptance.


Artists, please submit the following in jpeg, pdf, or png format:

1. Headshot or personality shot of your choice

2. Short bio or brief description of you and your work

3. Three (3) to five (5) high-res samples of work for promotions and art spotlights on social media

Please email files to with the subject line: Hartisan Tribe Application + Your First and Last Name